8-20-2011 Board Minutes
August 20, 20119-24-2011 Board Minutes
September 24, 2011The project is almost complete, with construction of the main sewer line expected to be done by October 15th. At that time, the District will be sending out a mailing to all Freeholders that will contain the following:
Final date every Freeholder should be hooked-up to the District sewer line.
A letter explaining the steps the Freeholder’s contractor needs to follow to 1) get a permit from the District and 2) pick up the pump and ancillary equipment required for hook-up.
An explanation of billing procedures.
The following link contains information about the grinder pump and ancillary equipment. SWLMCD – Grinder Pump Info – 9-23-11
The instructions for installing the lateral lines can be found here: SWLMCD – Specifications for Lateral Sewer Lines – 10-11-11